Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Banana (Keselkan / VaalaiPalam)

A banana is the most unique of all fruit because unlike any fruit it does not come from trees at all but from large plants that are giant herbs and are related to lily and orchid family.

Medicinal Uses of Bananas

Because of their impressive potassium content,bananas are highly recommended by doctors in Sri Lanka. They are helpful in:

Reducing depression
Restoring a normal bowel function
Constipation and diarrhea
Eyesight protection
Strengthening the bones
Healthy kidney
Blood pressure
Heart problems
Treating heart-burn
Curing a hangover
Overcoming nervous disorders
Reducing morning sickness
Improving nerve function, and many more.
Nutritive Values (per 100g edible portion)
Major Growing Areas in Sri Lanka

All island except very high cultivation.